In many places, copyright is implied the moment a work is created and given to the creator. Copyrights can and should be registered with your local government, and this is often a requirement to pursue any claims against the illegal or unfair use of your intellectual property.
Proof comes in many forms, and not all battles are hashed out in the courts.
With this simple app and a blockchain wallet, you can verify a timestamp the moment that your intellectual property is created, and you will forever be able to go back and verify that timestamp because it will be stored immutably on the Polygon Blockchain.
The system is completely trustless, participation is voluntary, and while it doesn't PROVE (in a legal sense) that you created the work, you can verify absolutely that you were in possession of it at the moment of conception. We provide a proof of provenance, which may help you one day if you find yourself arguing with someone who tries to steal your work.
Check out the smart contract hereScroll down to see how it works
Select any file you like. This file will remain on your computer or phone and will not be transmitted to our server. All file hashing happens locally with javascript. (This is why you don't need to wait on an upload)
Press the hash button. Your file will be read as a Base64 encoding (a common web data stream) and that encoding will be hashed to give you a Bytes32 hash.
Essentially, you are creating a checksum that can be verified by anyone for that file, so it's important to store the file somewhere in an unaltered form so that it can later be hashed to give the same result. Changing a single pixel on an image can create a totally different hash. Think of it as a unique signature for your digital file.
Once the file is hashed, your connected wallet will be used to ask our smart contract if the hash exists and who has claimed that hash. If no has exists you can claim it for only gas. If you wish you can also donate some MATIC or any ERC20 token on Polygon chain by sending it directly to the smart contract address here: 0xcf474D29De5b6E2A0965f821fac9c1C37aAe7266
Please ensure that you send only tokens on Polygon Blockchain or they will be lost.
If you ever want to show someone that this piece of work was yours, you can come back to the site and scan the file again, produce the hash, and your wallet will show up as the person who first made the claim for that hash. Once a hash is taken it can never be used again by anyone else.
Can the same hash be created for two different files:
Technically it is possible, but incredibly unlikely. The hashing system has more possibilities than all of the atoms in the universe. For a similar work to get the same hash is next to impossible. You will always be able to show that you registered the work on our smart contract first.
Is there a limit to how many files I can register?
No. The process is completely trusted and automated. Your only limit is how much polygon gas fees you are able to pay.
Can I use it for free?
Yes. While we appreciate donations so that we can continue to develop new and innovative ways to help creators, you are under no obligation to provide funding for the project. It operates on a freemium payment model.